Adhesives 400, 300, 560 and 110

No. 400 Neoprene Contact Adhesive

For bonding to all Disc-O-Treds, Rubber Stair Treads or Koroseal Vinyl Stair Treads to concrete, pan filled, wood, metal, marble and terrazzo steps. A rapid drying, long range contact cement; specially formulated for Musson stair coverings. Brush on application; use on back of treads and back of nosing. Contains solvents, extremely flammable. 1 gallon covers 75 lineal feet of stair treads (brush on back of tread and step). Ready to use in 1 quart, 1 gallon and 5 gallon containers.


No. 300 Water-Based Contact Adhesive

A non-solvent based alternative to install rubber and vinyl stair treads and cove risers to concrete, wood, terrazzo, metal or marble. One gallon covers 75 lineal feet of stair treads (brush on back of tread and step). Ready to use in 1 quart, 1 gallon and 4 gallon containers.


No. 560 Rubber Flooring Adhesive

Environmentally Friendly

For installing Rubber Floor Tiles or Rolls over suitable on-grade dry concrete floors, suspended concrete floors, or suspended wood floors. May also be used with sanded back molded rubber stair treads. Not recommended where excessive moisture exists; Non-Carcinogenic; Non-Toxic; safe for the environment and freeze thaw stable. See label for complete instructions. Ready to trowel in 1 gallon or 4 gallon cans. Covers 150 square feet per gallon.


No.110 CART – Epoxy Dual Cartridge

Musson Rubber 110 Cart Epoxy Nose Filler is a two-component wet-set epoxy caulking compound designed for use as nose filler for
indoor installations of resilient stair treads and stair nosings as well as an adhesive for stair nosings and accessories. It is
specifically formulated to prevent movement, flexing, indentation, separation and premature wear or damage to stair treads and
nosing by providing support on substrates that are worn; it is a low odor, non-flammable, and solvent-free product.

110 Cart Technical Data Sheet